1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
| %% BASIC MODEL FOR ESTIMATING GLOBAL GREEN HOUSE GASES (GHG) EMISSIONS % USING WIOD Database, release 2013. tic clear % setting parameters s=35; % Number of sectors of WIOD Database r=41; % Number of regions of WIOD Data df=5; % Categories of final demanda paises_wiod=['AUS';'AUT';'BEL';'BGR';'BRA';'CAN';'CHN';'CYP';'CZE';'DEU';... 'DNK';'ESP';'EST';'FIN';'FRA';'GBR';'GRC';'HUN';'IDN';'IND';'IRL';'ITA'... ;'JPN';'KOR';'LTU';'LUX';'LVA';'MEX';'MLT';'NLD';'POL';'PRT';'ROU';'RUS'... ;'SVK';'SVN';'SWE';'TUR';'TWN';'USA';'ROW']; % 生成国家名的列向量,共41个
% LOADING DATA ----------------------------------------------------------- % First retrived the required files from http://www.wiod.org, release 2013 % File the downloaded dataset in the same directory than this code (or, % alternatively, change the set Path preferences in matlab) % Loading Input-Output Table of last available year (2009) [num,txt]=xlsread('wiot09_row_sep12.xlsx','WIOT_2009','e4:bkf1449'); % 以num格式读取excel中的数字,以txt格式读取excel中的字符串 WIOT_09=num; % 将读取结果的数字部分命名为WIOT_09
% Loading Emissions of last available year (2009) EM_GHG=zeros(s*r,1); % 建立一个行数为s*r,列数为1的0向量 % Loading emissions vectors for all wiod countries and convert to CO2eq for k=1:r % k为1到r的数值 ini_k=(k-1)*s+1; % ini_k的计算 fin_k=k*s; % fni_k的计算 nombre_fichero=sprintf('%s_AIR_May12.xls',paises_wiod(k,:)); % 读取后缀名为AIR_MAY12的excel,前缀名为paises_wiod中的第k个 EMI_TEMP1=(xlsread(nombre_fichero,'2009','c2:j42')); % 读取上一条excel中名为2009的sheet % Removing NaN from emissions matrix ind=find(isnan(EMI_TEMP1)); % 找到EMI_TEMP1中的空值 EMI_TEMP1(ind)=0; % 不知道什么意思,将空值赋值为0??? EMI_TEMP2(:,:)=EMI_TEMP1(1:35,:); % 新建一个变量,为右边向量中的1-35行,及所有的列 EM_GHG(ini_k:fin_k)=EMI_TEMP2(:,1)+EMI_TEMP2(:,2)*(28/1000)+EMI_TEMP2(:,3)*(265/1000); end % 为什么要乘0.028和0.265???
% SOLVING DE MODEL ------------------------------------------------------- % Extracting Intermediate Consumption Matrix for year 2009 Z_09=WIOT_09(1:s*r,1:s*r); % Z矩阵为WIOT_09中的部门,s*r行和s*r列,起始位置为(1,1) % Extracting Output row vector Q_09=WIOT_09(1443,1:s*r); % Q矩阵,即总产量部分,为投入产出表的最后一行(第1443行) % Removing zeros % 将Q矩阵中为0的值,赋值为1 for i=1:s*r if (Q_09(i)==0) Q_09(i)=1; end end
% Computing matrix of technical coefficientes A_09=Z_09/diag(Q_09); % Alternatively A_09=Z_09*inv(diag(Q_09)); % 计算投入技术矩阵,即完全消耗系数矩阵
% Computing Leontieff inverse I=eye(s*r); MQ_09=inv(I-A_09);
% Computing Emissions coefficientes e_09=diag(EM_GHG)/diag(Q_09);
% Processing The bill of Final Demand DF_WIOT_09=WIOT_09(1:s*r,1436:1640); % Isolation of Final Demand DF_Country=zeros(s*r,r); DF_09=zeros(s*r,s*r); for j=1:r if (j==1) ini_country=1; fin_country=df; else ini_country=df*(j-1)+1; fin_country=ini_country+(df-1); end DF_Country(:,j)=sum(DF_WIOT_09(:,ini_country:fin_country),2); % - Diagonalization ini_j=s*(j-1)+1; fin_j=ini_j+s-1; for i=1:r ini_i=s*(i-1)+1; fin_i=ini_i+s-1; DF_09(ini_i:fin_i,ini_j:fin_j)=diag(DF_Country(ini_i:fin_i,j)); end end % Computing GHG Emissions for 41 countries/resgions and 35 sectors EM_GHG_41R35s_09=(e_09*MQ_09)*DF_09;
% EXPORTING RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------ % Writing row headings (region/country and sector) xlswrite('Results_WIOD_Basic_Model_EMISS.xlsx',txt,'EMISS41R','e4'); % Writing column headings (region/country and sector) xlswrite('Results_WIOD_Basic_Model_EMISS.xlsx',txt','EMISS41R','b7'); % Writing final results xlswrite('Results_WIOD_Basic_Model_EMISS.xlsx',EM_GHG_41R35s_09,'EMISS41R','e7');