数据时效:The original EXIOBASE 3 data series
ends 2011. In addition, we also have estimates based on a range of
auxiliary data, but mainly trade and macro-economic data which go up to
2022 when including IMF expectations. A lot of care must be taken in use
of this data. It is only partially suitable for analysing trends over
time! As of v3.8 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4277368), the end years of real
data points used are: 2015 energy, 2019 all GHG (non fuel, non-CO2 are
nowcasted from 2018), 2013 material, 2011 most others, land, water. More
details are available in the readme file.
IOT_YYYY_ixi.zip - MRIO archive for Year YYYY in industry by
industry format 即部门表
IOT_YYYY_pxp.zip - MRIO archive for Year YYYY in product by product
format 即产品表 (原始页面这里写错了,应该是pxp,不是ixi)
satellite - uncharacterized stressors data - e.g. CO2 emissions,
land use per category, etc.
impacts - characterized stressors (=> impacts) - e.g. total
GWP100, total land use, etc
The total list of stressors and impacts are in the index of all
files, most conveniently in the 'unit.txt'. Both extension subfolder
F.txt - Factors of productions/stressors/impacts
F_Y.txt - Stressors/impacts of the final demand,
S.txt - Direct stressor/impact coefficients
S_Y.txt - Stressor/impact coefficients of the final demand
M.txt - MRIO extension multipliers (total requirement factors of
D_cba.txt - Consumption based accounts per sector
D_pba.txt - Production based accounts per sector
D_cba_reg.txt - Consumption based accounts per region
D_pba_reg.txt - Production based accounts per region
D_imp_reg.txt - Import accounts per region
D_exp_reg.txt - Export accounts per region
unit.txt - Absolute units of the stressor and impacts The unit of
the coefficient data M and S are given be the unit of the satellite
account per unit of the economic core (e.g. kg CO2eq/Million Euro)