5 中的中间排名显示,几个核心度得分相对较高的非欧盟国家(例如,中国、RoW
亚太地区、RoW 中东、RoW 美洲和墨西哥)的 EV 比率也很高,这表明核心度和
为了进一步探索这些趋势,我们对 2019
年的数据进行了多元回归分析,然后在 1995
和欧盟成员资格 (EU_mem) 作为预测 EV
EU candidate members)。
#------------------------------------- import needed libraries -------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import scipy.io import scipy import pandas as pd #set directory path for downloaded raw EXIOBASE 3.8.1 files Dir = "/Users/yu/Temp/Global land ESSV exchange/NS/Unequal_Exchanges_SI_Code/Data//" v1 = ['ixi','pxp']
""" 关于EXIOBASE的一些说明(这里其实需要一些关于投入产出表的基础知识和EXIOBASE的结构,及其卫星账户的知识): 参考:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jiec.12715 发现WIOD和EORA都更新了,WIOD更新了2000年之前的一些东西,EORA也到2022,但2016年之后的年份就是在抢钱。ICIO有1995-2018 1.数据时效:The original EXIOBASE 3 data series ends 2011. In addition, we also have estimates based on a range of auxiliary data, but mainly trade and macro-economic data which go up to 2022 when including IMF expectations. A lot of care must be taken in use of this data. It is only partially suitable for analysing trends over time! As of v3.8 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4277368), the end years of real data points used are: 2015 energy, 2019 all GHG (non fuel, non-CO2 are nowcasted from 2018), 2013 material, 2011 most others, land, water. More details are available in the readme file. 2.文件命名: IOT_YYYY_ixi.zip - MRIO archive for Year YYYY in industry by industry format 即部门表 IOT_YYYY_pxp.zip - MRIO archive for Year YYYY in product by product format 即产品表 (原始页面这里写错了,应该是pxp,不是ixi) 3.文件结构: The MRIO archive contains the following files: Z.txt - flow/transactions matrix 其实是个7987*7987的矩阵,不过加上了表头,可以把数据粘贴到Excel里看看 A.txt - matrix/inter-industry coefficients, (direct requirements matrix) 大小同上,A=Z/x Y.txt - final demand 有时候也叫F矩阵,最终需求矩阵,每个地区有7类最终需求,所以该部分的大小是 (7*49)*7987 x.txt - gross/total output 49*163,一共7987条,如果是pxp,就是49*200,上同 unit.txt - Units of the flow data 单位是百万欧元 两个扩展资料: satellite - uncharacterized stressors data - e.g. CO2 emissions, land use per category, etc. impacts - characterized stressors (=> impacts) - e.g. total GWP100, total land use, etc The total list of stressors and impacts are in the index of all files, most conveniently in the 'unit.txt'. Both extension subfolder contain: F.txt - Factors of productions/stressors/impacts F_Y.txt - Stressors/impacts of the final demand 列数为49*7,行数是1113,参见 unit 的第一列 S.txt - Direct stressor/impact coefficients S_Y.txt - Stressor/impact coefficients of the final demand M.txt - MRIO extension multipliers (total requirement factors of consumption) D_cba.txt - Consumption based accounts per sector D_pba.txt - Production based accounts per sector D_cba_reg.txt - Consumption based accounts per region D_pba_reg.txt - Production based accounts per region D_imp_reg.txt - Import accounts per region D_exp_reg.txt - Export accounts per region unit.txt - Absolute units of the stressor and impacts The unit of the coefficient data M and S are given be the unit of the satellite account per unit of the economic core (e.g. kg CO2eq/Million Euro) """
#set loop through all years for i inrange(1995,2023): #取不到2023,只到2022 print(i) #set loop for products (pxp) and sectors (ixi) for i1 inrange(0,2): j = v1[i1] #set directory for specific items in raw EXIOBASE 3.8.1 files Directory = Dir+"IOT_"+str(i)+"_"+str(j)+"//" #---------------------extracting final demand matrix Y------------------------- Path_Y = Directory + 'Y.txt' MRIO_Y = pd.read_csv(Path_Y, sep = '\t', header=0, encoding='iso-8859-1', low_memory=False) # standard UTF-8 encoding raises error MRIO_Y #print(list(MRIO_Y))
#get country list MRIO_Country = [list(MRIO_Y)[i] for i in np.arange(2,339,7)] # 生成一个从2开始,到338结束,步长为7的整数序列。这意味着我们从list(MRIO_Y)中选取了索引为2, 9, 16, ..., 338的元素。就是取到地区名称啦,其实地区名称也可以直接从exiobase论文附件找到 #print(MRIO_Country)
#make matrix Y MRIO_Y = MRIO_Y.values[2::,2::] MRIO_Y = MRIO_Y.astype('float') MRIO_Y.shape
#---------------------inversing A matrix to get L matrix------------------------- if i1 == 0: I = np.identity(7987) else: I = np.identity(9800) MRIO_L = np.linalg.inv(I-MRIO_A) MRIO_L.shape
#---------------------building the emission intensity matrix S------------------------- MRIO_X = MRIO_L.dot(MRIO_Y.sum(axis = 1)) MRIO_X MRIO_X.shape MRIO_S = np.zeros(MRIO_F.shape) for m inrange(0,MRIO_A.shape[0]): if MRIO_X[m] > 1: # Threshold for sector output: 1 MEUR MRIO_S[:,m] = MRIO_F[:,m] / MRIO_X[m] MRIO_S.shape